Closeup of Yum
Recipe from Vegetable
Dishes I Can’t Live Without

Is there ever a garden that suffers a shortage of zucchini
in August? As the zukes roll in, and we’ve tried steamed squash, panfried
squash, squash
with herbed butter, stuffed
squash, zucchini
bread, and maybe even shrimp
with zucchini, Swiss
steak and ratatoille.
Yet, we still crave something new, different, and above all, easy. This recipe
by Mollie Katzen, author of the classic vegetarian Moosewood
Restaurant cookbooks, suits the bill—sautéed on one side, then finished in
the broiler. With just garlic, a little olive oil, Parmesan cheese, and
optional breadcrumbs, zucchini become delightfully crunchy on the top and
succulent in the middle, reminiscent of deep-fried zucchini, but fresher and
far more healthy.